제주의 여름 그리고, 금빛 나팔소리
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게시판 > 공지사항

제주 국제 호른캠프 공고

  • 첨부파일. 등록된 첨부파일이 없습니다.
  • 기 간:2015.8.13,14,15
  • 장 소:제주 애월읍 제주 라데팡스(www.jejuladefence.com)
    문예회관 소극장 (Faculty Concert)
  • 참가비 일반:60만원(항공료,숙식 및 레슨2회포함.레슨1회추가시 10만원추가)
    제주콩쿨 참가자:20만원
  • 참가신청 및 문의:010-4701-7805 신주희
  • Horn Teachers
    Ab Koster / Professor at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg
    Bruno Schneider / Professor of the Haute Ecole de Musique in Geneva and at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg in Breisgau (Germany).
    Jeffrey Nelsen / Professor of Horn at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN, and President of IHS
    Javier Bonet / National Orchestra and professor at ESMUC in Barcelona.
    Yi Man / Professor Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing
    Young-Yul Kim / Professor Seoul National University
    Suk-Jun Lee / Professor Seoul National University of Arts
  • Aug 13 (숙소)
    1pm : Welcoming Concert by Faculty Ensemble
    2~4:40 : Private Lessons (40 min * 4)
    6pm : Master Class by Ab Koster
    7~9pm : Private Lessons (40 min * 3)
  • Aug 14 (숙소)
    10am : Master Class by Jeffrey Nelsen (Fearless Performance)
    11:30am, : Master Class by Bruno Schneider
  • 7pm : Master Class by Yi Man
  • Aug 15 (숙소 와 연주홀)
    10am~12:40 : Private Lessons (40 min * 4)
    2pm : Master Class by Javier Bonet
    4:40 : Faculty Concert at Jeju Cultural Center recital Hall (제주 문예회관 소극장)

#상세스케줄은 변동가능

안명주 플루트 마스터클래스
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